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On the road again
On the drive home, we hit some pretty heavy traffic due to thick fog. I hated driving in fog, and my mood was made worse by the fact that I had been up late the night before. I couldn’t wait to just get off the freeway.
About five minutes from my exit, the traffic started to let up and I began to relax. Then, all of a sudden, I was in an accident involving two other cars. Because of the fog, we ended up in a small pileup. Nobody was injured, but the cars had to be towed, and I was quite shaken.
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May 14, 2012 issue
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Alistair Budd, Joe Smuin, Doug F. Brown, Sandy Trevor-Roberts
No room for envy
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
More than enough
Robin Hoagland
I'm included
Amy Richmond
Joyce Eklund
Where's Waldo?
Mark Slettehaugh
A lesson from Denali
Darci Niles
An economics lesson from Elisha
James S. Rosebush
Daniel in the pepper's den
Elly Uehling
'Rise up and walk'
Penelope DuCharme Darling
Spiritual subtexts in writing fiction
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
On the road again
Emily Mattson
Truth detector
Samantha Frank
The pecan tree
Hank Richter
The power of the testimony
Kim Crooks Korinek
Prayer for racial justice in Australia
Beverley Beddoes-Mills
'Tone up' your spiritual identity
Brian Hall
Board work––a healing service
Inge Schmidt
Committed to Christian hope
Shirley T. Paulson
Daughter's eye healed
Dana Castle with contributions from Madison Castle
Freed from chronic knee and hip trouble
Judy McCormick
Real health-care breakthroughs
The Editors