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From csmonitor.com
Reprinted from The Christian Science Monitor: Easter's call to be childlike
Little children love Easter. It may seem their enjoyment involves only the fun of Easter egg hunts, jelly beans, and baskets of chocolate bunnies. But these are only symbols of the true attraction they can feel.
They may not yet understand the significance of the holy time of Easter, but they may feel it. Little children are all about love and joy, and in their innocence they are quick to respond to the mental atmosphere of those around them who rise in the spiritual celebration of Easter.
Tobin Hart, Ph.D., author of The Secret Spiritual World of Children, would probably agree. He speaks of the growing evidence that children are naturally attuned to the spiritual. He writes: “Nearly all children experience ways of knowing and being—outside of any training or rituals. They include awe and wonder, intense feelings of love and compassion, startling moments of wisdom, and a deep curiosity about the profound nature of life. They are naturally attuned to the spiritual.”
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April 2, 2012 issue
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Cindy Snowden, Sharon Rooker-Brade, Margaret Wylie
Easter hunt
Jenny Nelles, Staff Editor
Faith on the field
Ericka Sanders
For star player: faith, community, hoops
Steve Almasy
When you find out
Nate Talbot
The joy of Easter morn awaits you
By Dorothy Estes, Editor
Forsaken by God?
Abby Hillman
Why was Jesus willing to come back?
Lois Carlson
Rays of comfort
Tom Fuller
Safe and sound
Lynn Weed
The love God has for you
Michele Newport
A spiritual slam dunk
Tia Goebel
A snowboarding parable
Susie Jostyn
'You've come home'
Barbara Whitewater
Love in lavender
Nancy Malard
Praying for others lifts burdens
Suzanne Riedel
Putting a stop to self-mutilation
Anthony Whitehouse
Easter week: Preparation of thought
Nancy Fischer
Complete healing after a fall
David Foote
Healed of smoking addiction
Regina Cielia Fortuna do Vale
Healing of hearing condition
Bruce Cunningham
Keeping a good watch
The Editors