Healed a long way from home

In June, which is winter in Australia, I was at a school camp in the mountains. One morning I volunteered to help make breakfast. I was making the toast. When I tried to lift a piece of bread out of the very hot toaster, I burned my left hand.

At first it really hurt. I thought, "I don't have my mum here to help me." I told my teacher I had burnt myself. He told me to put my hand in water. I thought, "If I put my hand in the water, it will sting."

So I began to pray. I thought about God. He wouldn't let His creation get hurt or injured. I learned this at Sunday School. In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible it says, "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (1:31). This meant that God made all His creation

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Testimony of Healing
Cholla, the snake, healed
September 16, 2002

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