Hanging a gift card angel on my Christmas tree brings to mind...

Hanging a gift card angel on my Christmas tree brings to mind a healing that I am now ready to share. My father passed on when I was a teenager. My mother had to go to work. My grandmother came to live with us and to help us by sharing her pension check. I reacted to this situation with anger that continued for more than six years.

During those six years there were many healings. My mother, for example, at first earned only a meager income. By the end of this time she was very comfortably compensated for her work. I continued to attend the Christian Science Sunday School until I was twenty. I was healed of two sports-related injuries—a sprained ankle and a chipped elbow. I was also healed of a skin disorder on my ear. When, at eighteen, I applied for a full-time position, I was quickly employed and entered my third year of college still tuition-free. But I continued to hold to that anger.

One Christmas, my mother gave me a gift with an angel card and her note "to my little angel." I was stunned. The idea that I could be filled with good thoughts (angels), and that my mother thought that I was filled with good thoughts, was overwhelming to me. I went to my room and went back over references in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that I knew well: "Angels are pure thoughts from God, winged with Truth and Love, no matter what their individualism may be" (p. 298); and from the Glossary: "Angels. God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality" (p. 581).

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February 3, 1997

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