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I am extremely grateful for the many healings I have experienced...
I am extremely grateful for the many healings I have experienced over the years through Christian Science. These have included influenza, a heart condition, terminal cancer, a "trick ankle," and a serious intestinal obstruction. Not only have these healings brought welcomed physical relief, but they have always been instrumental in moving me to a new level of spiritual growth. A healing I experienced late in 1994 was another landmark in my growth Spiritward.
One day my husband and I had gone to another state to do various errands and shopping. While there I developed a serious urinary problem. I was very grateful that my husband was with me to drive the long way back home. When we arrived home, my husband immediately called a Christian Science practitioner. I really can't remember much of what she said to me, except that, as always, I was so grateful for her support and prayerful treatment. That night and the following days my husband spent a great amount of time studying and reading to me and lovingly caring for me. How true this statement is: "The poor suffering heart needs its rightful nutriment, such as peace, patience in tribulation, and a priceless sense of the dear Father's loving-kindness" (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 365–366).
It seemed as the days progressed that it was very difficult for me to grasp anything that the practitioner said to me, except a phrase now and then. One of the phrases that I was able to retain was from Mrs. Eddy's "Communion Hymn." It's in the second verse and reads,
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October 7, 1996 issue
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A book of "living waters"
Richard C. Bergenheim
Christian healing—still going on
Valerie T. Elliott
Feeling led by God
Jerry Otero
Science and Health changes a life
Henry G. Rutledge, Jr.
Never trapped in an abusive situation
Written for the Sentinel
Daniel in the lions' den
as told by Kelsey Anne Glasser
Always employed
Kathryn L. Merrill
Teach me what I need
R. Cornelius Peters
Glorifying God and giving to others
with contributions from Laura Nicole Brown, Rita Polatin
A very special book
by Kim Shippey
"Thou shalt not covet"—what a loving commandment!
Barbara M. Vining
I am extremely grateful for the many healings I have experienced...
Marguerite Howmann
One day I was running outside
Erin Swinney with contributions from Mark Swinney
God is here every moment to help us
Anne Fosnot
My heart overflows with gratitude to God
Bernice Holly Higgins