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God is here every moment to help us
God is here every moment to help us. When I was a child, my sisters and I read the Bible Lesson with my mother, and heard of her healings in Christian Science. We had healings too; however, I really did not accept this Science for myself at the time. I did carry my grandmother's copy of Science and Health with me for many years, never opening it. When I was grown and married, I attended my husband's church.
Then at one time I began to have a physical problem, which a doctor said was a cyst on my uterus. He said I would probably need an operation soon. A few weeks later, at my next appointment, the doctor said that I very definitely needed the operation. My husband had just been transferred to a distant state where my mother and sister were living. Since we had to leave very soon, I asked the doctor if I could wait until we got to our new location before having the operation, and he said that would be all right.
When we arrived at my sister's home, she and my mother talked to me about Christian Science, God's laws, and the wonderful things that had come to them as the result of learning about God in this Science. Immediately I accepted their words, feeling it was the most beautiful thing that I had ever heard. Here was the truth.
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October 7, 1996 issue
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A book of "living waters"
Richard C. Bergenheim
Christian healing—still going on
Valerie T. Elliott
Feeling led by God
Jerry Otero
Science and Health changes a life
Henry G. Rutledge, Jr.
Never trapped in an abusive situation
Written for the Sentinel
Daniel in the lions' den
as told by Kelsey Anne Glasser
Always employed
Kathryn L. Merrill
Teach me what I need
R. Cornelius Peters
Glorifying God and giving to others
with contributions from Laura Nicole Brown, Rita Polatin
A very special book
by Kim Shippey
"Thou shalt not covet"—what a loving commandment!
Barbara M. Vining
I am extremely grateful for the many healings I have experienced...
Marguerite Howmann
One day I was running outside
Erin Swinney with contributions from Mark Swinney
God is here every moment to help us
Anne Fosnot
My heart overflows with gratitude to God
Bernice Holly Higgins