In August of 1993, while traveling, I accidentally...

In August of 1993, while traveling in Alaska, I accidentally jammed a cotton swab into one ear, which caused bleeding, severe pain, temporary loss of hearing, and shock. I prayed for myself, and my wife prayed too. We continued on with the remainder of our tour.

On my return home the symptoms worsened. I called for help from a Christian Science practitioner. For several weeks, during which I experienced excruciating pain, had virtually no sleep, and had great anxiety, we prayed diligently. Those symptoms lessened, but I then became aware of another problem—the right side of my face had become partially paralyzed.

The complete healing of both the hearing loss and the paralysis came after nine months of constant prayer, involving much support from the practitioner and my wife. I grew in understanding the spiritual nature of man. A few of the insights gained during this study included my changed attitude toward the statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy "Trials are proofs of God's care" (p. 66). Previously I had truly resented the notion that a trial or burden could be evidence of a loving Father's care and protection. In a moment of illumination, not only did this resentment drop away, but I also declared my willingness to run to meet this challenge for healing, as David had run to slay Goliath. The short-term results were immediate in that I was able to express great energy, confidence, and joy.

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Testimony of Healing
The greatest gift my mother gave me was Christian Science
July 3, 1995

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