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I have experienced many healings through the study and practice...
I have experienced many healings through the study and practice of Christian Science. Some challenges have taken some time to overcome, and others have been instantaneous. I'd like to share some of my quicker healings, which prove "the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword" (Heb. 4:12). For several years I suffered from back pain. One time when our young family was visiting my parents, I was in intense discomfort. I had gone to my parent's bedroom to pray and call a practitioner.
While I was on the phone with the practitioner, my mother glanced in to see how I was doing, and I could see the concern on her face. I shared this with the practitioner, and she asked me if I could recognize my mother's love and concern for me. This I quickly acknowledged. She then stated that God loved me infinitely more. With this, the room filled with light, and I surely felt God's love for me. The pain was gone, and I no longer suffered from it after this healing, which occurred ten years ago.
Another time when I was at a friend's house, I could feel a cold coming on. That evening the symptoms kept getting worse. I had a meeting in less than two hours, in which I had to present a report. I knew a sick person was not the true representation of God's idea—the representation I had learned that I was, from my understanding of Christian Science. A citation from the Christian Science Bible Lesson for that week began: "When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought" (Science and Health, p. 495). I studied the entire paragraph over and over, until I felt I truly understood it. This may have taken ten minutes. When I felt I truly understood it, I looked up from the textbook feeling totally refreshed, and realized I was no longer suffering from any of the symptoms of a cold. I attended the meeting and gave my report with freedom and joy.
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July 3, 1995 issue
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Cutting through moral confusion
Beulah M. Roegge
Obeying God's law
Jean Bordeaux
The call home
Jeanne Kirkpatrick
Amber learns that God's love heals
Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Always safe
Jane Gidley Gorman
The relationship of morality and freedom in society
by Kim Shippey
The moral and spiritual foundation of progress
William E. Moody
In August of 1993, while traveling, I accidentally...
Thomas Resovich
The greatest gift my mother gave me was Christian Science
Karen Terrell with contributions from R. Scott Terrell
I have experienced many healings through the study and practice...
Rachel A. F. Henderson
A little over a year ago I attended a college program for adults
Ellen Moore Thompson