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Amber learns that God's love heals
Little Amber would be starting kindergarten soon. She could hardly wait, even though some warts were showing in different places on her body.
Every time Grandmother visited, Amber invited her to her bedroom to talk about the healing that Amber knew she would have. Grandmother asked her to think about the poem by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, which is sometimes called "the little children's prayer." It begins, "Father-Mother God,/Loving me..." ("Mother's New Year Gift to the Little Children," Poems, p. 69). Of course, He loves us because God is Love, as the Bible tells us.
One day they were sitting on the edge of Amber's bed discussing God's love and how His love is always right where we are, when Amber's older sister and a cousin came into the room to get a toy. Amber wanted to share with them what she and Grandmother were talking about. Happily, she said to the other little girls, "We're talking about my healing!" She did not say, "We're talking about my problem," but "my healing!" She was knowing God's love for her right then.
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July 3, 1995 issue
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Cutting through moral confusion
Beulah M. Roegge
Obeying God's law
Jean Bordeaux
The call home
Jeanne Kirkpatrick
Amber learns that God's love heals
Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Always safe
Jane Gidley Gorman
The relationship of morality and freedom in society
by Kim Shippey
The moral and spiritual foundation of progress
William E. Moody
In August of 1993, while traveling, I accidentally...
Thomas Resovich
The greatest gift my mother gave me was Christian Science
Karen Terrell with contributions from R. Scott Terrell
I have experienced many healings through the study and practice...
Rachel A. F. Henderson
A little over a year ago I attended a college program for adults
Ellen Moore Thompson