A former Navy chaplain, now a Christian Science practitioner, learned of the loss of several crew members of the USS Saratoga, an aircraft carrier in the Middle East.
I look to Thee in every need,And never look in vain;I feel Thy touch, eternal Love,And all is well again:The thought of Thee is mightier farThan sin and pain and sorrow are.
Christianity has one authority—the divine Love demonstrated by Christ Jesus. As we obey that authority, we help bring to light Love's government over all.
A journey begins; the distance appears daunting. How do we overcome the inertia that would hold us back? When the journey is one that leads to understanding God, knowing we're coming home makes all the difference.
If we think leaders are taking an unwise course, we need to realize that prayer, not frustration, should be our response—prayer that stays on the right course and trusts divine Truth.
Over the last forty years, since my introduction to Christian Science, I have found this Science to be a very practical method for healing physical difficulties as well as business-related troubles.
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