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Back and Forth
a dialogue with readers
Letters from the Persian Gulf (part one)
Last January, as a special Sentinel relating to war in the Mideast came off the press, we sent copies to Christian Scientist in the armed services in the Persian Gulf. (See the February 18, 1991, Sentinel, "To take up arms—spiritually.")
Many wrote back.
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June 10, 1991
June 10, 1991 issue
View Issue-
Dear Reader
The Editors
Prayer and peacemaking
Kathryn H. Breslauer
"I felt the crew should hear these words"
Joseph G. Heard
The healing power of unselfed love
Eric F. Thacher
Love for the world
Hannelore F. Fuchs
Christ: the healing and saving idea
Edmonde L. St. John
Is it too late to be God's child?
Moira Hudson
Coming home
Michael D. Rissler
Prayers for wise leadership
Elaine Natale
Shortly after I became a student of Christian Science, I...
William W. Milburn, Jr.
My heart sings with gratitude for Christian Science
Nicole R. Chapman
I will always be grateful that I was raised in Christian Science...
Ellen Mary P. Voss