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I Would like to share a healing I had several years ago of...
I would like to share a healing I had several years ago of symptoms that had been medically diagnosed as a vaginal yeast infection before I knew of Christian Science.
At first I had discomfort and occasional pain that I ignored and hoped would go away. Then my discomfort turned into a constant pain that caused me to lose sleep at night. Although I had been studying Christian Science for several years and had had some healings, including an instantaneous healing of a burned hand, I had become lazy and uninterested in really studying this Science.
One morning I decided to go to a doctor to get relief from the pain. After I had described my suffering to the doctor, he responded by handing me some medicine. I used up the medicine, but it only offered occasional lessening of the pain.
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October 28, 1991 issue
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The Editors
True homecoming
Kathryn A. Knox
Refuse to be allergic
Carolyn Hill
Love integrates
Dorothy Dipuo Maubane
Praying for our country
Judy Elizabeth Auret
A country of promise
Yvonne Harvey
Taking care of our health
Ann Kenrick
To choose to think as free men and women
Michael D. Rissler
I Would like to share a healing I had several years ago of...
Sara Catherine Foster with contributions from David Alan Foster, Marian J. Foster
In the summer of 1990, at the start of a vacation trip, I...
Bruce Allan Jamerson
I was told by a college counselor that I was "not college...
Lester Lynch Donica