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FROM THE Directors
"I never wrote this..."
Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, once penned on the first page of a manuscript she had just reviewed, "I never wrote this in a letter or letters ..." and on the last page, "Counterfeit MSS." The trickle of spurious material that sorely troubled Mrs. Eddy in her day has turned into a virtual river today.
Circulating widely in various typewritten and printed forms, the fraudulent items tend to present the human mind rather than the divine Mind as the source of healing power.
Titles of pieces falsely bearing Mrs. Eddy's name currently include "A Treatment for Everyday," "Electricity," "God's Spiritual Household," "Mind and Body," "My Income," "Nuggets," "Place," "The Secret," and "Supply." Also, a book, Divinity Course and General Collectanea, contains spurious material.
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February 12, 1990 issue
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Dear Reader
The Editors
a subscriber
Prayer that makes a difference
with contributions from Jutta Obrowski, Inge Wöbke, Hans Jürgen Rothe, Meg Rekittke, Klaus Fiedler
The spiritual basis of freedom
Rosalie E. Dunbar
The Shepherd's arms
Sam L. Hornbeak
Our daily joy
Elfriede Ziegler
FROM THE Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Uphold me with thy free spirit"
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
How seriously do we take our prayers and spiritual progress?
Michael D. Rissler
A Couple of weeks after our second child was born, I had a...
Helen Jane Yole with contributions from Charles S. Yole
The following experience became a milestone to me in my...
Rosemarie Būrstenbinder
To participate in athletics in high school I had to have a physical...
William R. Beattie