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My family was introduced to Christian Science through a healing
My family was introduced to Christian Science through a healing. My father had been suffering from a form of arthritis and was finding it increasingly difficult to walk or even stand. At the time, he was a navigator in the Air Force, so he went to an Air Force doctor who ran extensive tests. This doctor then informed my father that the disease was developing rapidly and that he would be an invalid within a few months. A second doctor was consulted; and after another series of tests, this doctor gave my father the same unhappy prognosis.
At this point my mother suggested we investigate Christian Science. Her own father had been a physician, and she had grown up in a very medically oriented family. She remembered a family in her youth, however, who had been Christian Scientists. She had been impressed by their happiness and general good health. I remember her saying that we had nothing to lose by investigating Christian Science.
Somehow we were put in touch with a Christian Science practitioner in another city. This loving woman was patient with our questions and skepticism, and she agreed to pray for my father. She gave him a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and asked him to begin reading it. She also showed him how to read the Bible Lesson, which is outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly. I remember my father reading as he lay in bed and, some days later, as he sat in the living room. One day when I came home from school he was completely healed. We were all extremely happy and grateful for this healing, which was permanent.
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September 21, 1987 issue
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Be a "spiritual conformist"
Lynn A. Gray Jackson
The mariner ... is
Dale Allen Hunt
Freedom from personal influences
Charles T. Allison
Wake-up prayer
Virginia L. Scott
You are not alone
Barbara R. Banks
Feeling close to God—remedy for fear
Park Wolaver
Of mountains and challenges and spiritual vistas
Peggy Gordon
Angels descending
Norman Dwight Cary
Keeping pace with rapid striders
Michael D. Rissler
Christian Science healing today
Carolyn B. Swan
My family was introduced to Christian Science through a healing
Bonnie Dunbar Yoshinobu
With each spiritual milestone—and there have been many—...
Ruth Cunny Maki
I would like to express publicly my gratitude for the divine...
Shirley Stainton
An experience I had a few years ago taught me the importance...
Shirley L. Larsen
From hand to hand
with contributions from The Editors, J.L.