All of today get messages about what we ought to be—from colleagues and friends, from advartisers and those who describe current trends. But if we are looking for a life that has more than surface meaning, we should take our lead from Christ Jesus.
When you are suddenly out on your own, do you have to feel lonely? Could this be an opportunity to discover more of the presence of our Father-Mother, God?
During bleak economic times, we may feel more inclined to reach out to God for help. Yet the fact is there is never a time when Love doesn't include us in its infinite good.
Sunday mornings can be awfully quiet, so quiet that you might not notice the spiritual fires that are being lighted in the hearts of spiritual adventurers.
I never cease to be grateful that over fifty years ago, when in my early thirties, I was led to the wonderfully inspiring, releasing, and comforting truths revealed in Christian Science.
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