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I was introduced to Christian Science by my husband, who was...
I Was introduced to Christian Science by my husband, who was a new student of this Science when we married. At first I was antagonistic to its teachings. Then I was healed of a severely swollen ankle through my husband's prayers and the prayerful help of a Christian Science practitioner. This was the turning point at which I began to study Christian Science.
I had completed my academic studies and needed a job. I looked for employment for over a year without success. Then I asked a practitioner to pray for me. She told me about the one language of Spirit. She had had no previous knowledge of my feelings about the Afrikaans language. But on my second visit I confessed to her my hatred for the language and its people for what I saw them as doing to my people—the blacks in South Africa. To me, Afrikaans was the oppressor's language. I felt I would be betraying my people if I spoke it, although I had studied it at school because it was a compulsory subject for all blacks.
The practitioner spoke to me at great length about God and His government and my purpose in this spiritual government. Soon I applied and was accepted for a job, only to find the company was Afrikaans-speaking! While working for this company I learned to see the Afrikaaner as a child of God, loved by Him like those of my own race. I exchanged hatred for love. I was then able to see good amongst the Afrikaaner people I became friends with. And I started speaking the language without prejudice.
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November 2, 1987 issue
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Answering the king
Nancy Hormel Reinert
I love them all, except Mr. So-and-So
Michel Coquilleau
Jeanne Steely Laitner
Dear Father
Mary S. Henderson
Finding a spiritual solution to financial problems
Mary Alice Bridges Taylor
The irony of spiritual discovery
Michael D. Rissler
Soaring aspirations
Ann Kenrick
Keep on praying!
Paul Hofflund and Anne M. Hofflund
I was introduced to Christian Science by my husband, who was...
Dorothy Dipuo Maubane
My previous testimony, published in the Sentinel in 1939, told...
Marjorie M. Turner
My family and I have been blessed for many years by the study...
Jack F. Petermann
Recently, while going through the papers of a dear aunt who...
Barbara Sparrow KatterJohn