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Angels are for real
When I was a boy I did not believe in angels. Now—for many years an adult—I do believe in them—strongly, positively. I know they exist. I have encountered them again and again.
Each time one appears, it brings with it a blessing. That is part of their nature and identification, for angels are all good. Mrs. Eddy defines them as "God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality." Science and Health, p. 581; All believers in the one, loving God surely can agree with that definition.
These messengers from God come to all of us. There are no exceptions, because God loves each one of us and shows no partiality. The trouble is, many people do not recognize angels. Thinking back, I realize I had experienced their coming long before I knew what they were. Sometimes I obeyed them, but too often I would ignore them as unimportant or irrelevant thoughts. To be sure to profit by these messages, one should know their nature and be alert to recognize their source as God. Spiritualized thought enables us to perceive and act on these spiritual intuitions.
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August 7, 1978 issue
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What about miracles?
Life is not too short
Angels are for real
Christ, Truth, destroys the works of the devil
Dis-illusionment with evil: a divine incentive
Esther M. Scheck Peterson
You are not outside the wall
Secure in God
The fantasy fallacy
Nathan A. Talbot
Models we can trust
Naomi Price
Don't let the static fool you!
Susan M. Schmeltz
I have had a wonderful healing solely by reading Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures...
Gertrud Tessky
Two summers ago my wife, our son, and I were shown wonderfully...
R. Geoffrey D. Welch
Deep gratitude to God for Christ Jesus, the Way -shower, and...
Grace Marie Reineman
My mother was a Christian Scientist before I was born, and I...
Louise Avery Child
In 1964 I was preparing to serve as an interpreter at the...
Eleanor Shipman Miner with contributions from Winfred R. Miner