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Last year I had convincing proof that Christian Science heals
Last year I had convincing proof that Christian Science heals. During the evening hours I became ill. As a Christian Scientist, I rely totally on God for healing. In this instance, I had difficulty in praying and in studying the Bible or Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, so my wife read to me. I asked a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me, to help me keep my thought focused on God.
For three nights I suffered. During the day I was free of pain. From the start I had to destroy the fear that this condition would return. The practitioner reminded me that nothing could attack a loved idea of God, whether from within or from without. Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health was a great help (p. 162): "Christian Science acts as an alterative, neutralizing error with Truth. It changes the secretions, expels humors, dissolves tumors, relaxes rigid muscles, restores carious bones to soundness. The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind."
During the third night I glimpsed a spiritual idea, and I clung to it until it filled my being. I realized that my true identity was not experiencing any pain at all. In fact, that harmonious identity is always intact, reflecting God. What was suffering was a mistaken sense of self. As I felt at one with spiritual being, the counterfeit belief about myself and the pain completely left me.
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May 8, 1978 issue
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Taking a stand
Material personality or spiritual individuality?
Acceptance precedes being accepted
In the name of the Lord
Rosemary Cobham
Chipping away to discover the real man
A friend when healing is needed
Finally free
Sarah Lee
So you're a Christian Scientist?
Geraldine Karp
I found her
Barbara A. Eriksson
The right course
James Rutledge Peake
Being: its oneness and wholeness
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Smoke? Not me. Not anyone.
Naomi Price
Christian Science was introduced to us at a time when we...
Hazel Louise George with contributions from Lucy Colleen Vordenbaum
Last year I had convincing proof that Christian Science heals
William Marshall Fabian
Letters to the Press
with contributions from J. Buroughs Stokes