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I have many times been encouraged by the testimonies found...
I have many times been encouraged by the testimonies found in the Christian Science periodicals. Hoping that someone may benefit by my experience, I would like to submit two recent healings.
After a long illness of my husband and many discouraging trials, my health seemed to be failing. Even though I studied the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly daily, my condition showed no improvement. My eyes, which had been troublesome for many years, became weak and alarmingly inflamed. I feared that it would lead to blindness. This made me realize that I was accepting mesmerizing beliefs of age and deterioration, as I had passed my seventy-fourth birthday.
I asked for help from a devoted Christian Scientist, who told me to study and hold to a passage in the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which answers the question, "What is substance?" The first sentence reads (p. 468): "Substance is that which is eternal and incapable of discord and decay." Further in the paragraph it says: "The spiritual universe, including individual man, is a compound idea, reflecting the divine substance of Spirit." I was also directed to the definition of "eyes" in the Glossary, where a portion reads (ibid., p. 586): "Spiritual discernment,—not material but mental."
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December 6, 1975 issue
View Issue-
What I Am
Cathryn Toohey Adams
Undeviating Honesty
Separation from Mortality
Look Where You're Going!
Healing a Broken Heart
Marjorie Ponder Matchette
Learn to Lean
Beverly M. Breese
Karin's Big Step
Betty Weeks
Needed: Right Support for Government
Geoffrey J. Barratt
The Art of Spiritual Self-defense
Naomi Price
I have many times been encouraged by the testimonies found...
Marguerite F. Hale with contributions from La Verne Taylor
"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" (Matt. 6:12)...
Fern C. Williams
Looking back on my life to see evidence of spiritual progress,...
Harriett Post O'Neill