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Compliments and Criticisms
People who accomplish anything worthwhile and attract attention are liable to become targets for society's reactions. Some of these are likely to be approving, and some maliciously disapproving. The first kind may seem sweeter than the second, but both can be deeply hurtful to anyone who is not spiritually prepared to see both as phases of personal sense and defend himself against them. Whichever they may be—bouquets or brickbats—those who are wise will not allow either to hinder their progress. They will not be set up by one or upset by the other. They will stick closely to the work they have to do and under God's guidance learn how to profit by whatever may be helpful in either, and use it as guidance in correcting anything in themselves that may need correction.
Experience shows that of these two hazards, compliments or malicious criticisms, the latter are less perilous and easier to handle. Their power to hurt is quickly neutralized when it is recognized that malice is not from God but from mortal mind and has, therefore, no true authority. Expressions of love and integrity come from God, immortal Mind, and always bless; but hatred, jealousy, malice, are from His counterfeit, mortal mind, and have no power to injure anyone. Men and women who express the honesty derived from God are invariably protected by their humble readiness to examine evidence, accept justified criticism, and admit they could do better. Where there is integrity, even if wounded pride causes temporary suffering, it comes quickly to the rescue to urge the application of even grater energy to whatever there is to do.
Compliments are pleasant but often more dangerous. When derived from Truth and Love, they can be blessings. Generous verbal bouquets can often express honest, selfless appreciation of good and meet a human need for encouragement in one who is losing heart. They may express something of God's love and be of real value in promoting progress. But bouquets that are insincere, consisting of unwarranted flattery, prompted by self-interest, can be deeply damaging. Softer and more subtle than brickbats, they may be sweet and soothing to personal sense. Emitting a heady perfume, they may dull the healthy expression of self-criticism in the one who receives them, and paralyze his mental muscles that might otherwise be flexing for a further effort to attain better results. The flatterer's compliments, motivated as they are by dishonesty and self-interest, impoverish. They induce loss of spiritual strength in himself as well as in the object of his appreciation.
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June 9, 1973 issue
View Issue-
How Is Your Attitude?
Spiritual Rationality: Possible?
Sunshine and Healing
A Larger Sense of Good
Discovering the Discoverer
Never a Nuisance
See Through the Mist!
E. Stuart Wells
Do You Ever Count Your Blessings?
Michael Todd Hanson (Age 8)
Consumer Protection
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Compliments and Criticisms
Naomi Price
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board Of Directors
I was introduced to Christian Science when I was ten years old...
Fiorella J. Roe with contributions from Melford J. Roe
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits...
Gottlieb Hagist
My first healing in Christian Science was in 1913, when our...
Catherine Osgood Slough with contributions from Laureta E. Osborn, Nancy M. Palermo