All my life I had attended churches of many different denominations,...

All my life I had attended churches of many different denominations, but had never applied for membership because I never could find what I was seeking. Then, three years ago, after reading Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, I knew that this was the interpretation of the Bible based on logic and truth. With total reliance on God I realized that the divine power in the healings performed through Christ Jesus centuries ago is still available to everyone today.

I am extremely grateful that the teachings of Christian Science touched my life at a time when help was so urgently needed. My dearest friend, who had lived with me for twenty-five years, passed on suddenly, and Science healed me of the grief and gave me Strength to adjust and go on.

I had always had fear of possible discrimination because my vocation is economically termed a man's field of endeavor. Each time an advancement was available, a man was placed in the position. I tried every material means for advancement, to no avail. Finally, I placed the problem in God's hands with the prayer, "Dear God, if this place I now hold is my rightful place, then Thy will be done. But if it is Your will that I should advance my capabilities, then please show me the way." With that I went on with my normal duties and gave no more thought to the problem.

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Testimony of Healing
I awoke one morning to find myself completely paralyzed from...
November 17, 1973

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