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The Nature of the Real Man
Christian Science demonstration rests on an understanding of real being and the reflection of this understanding in human experience. It is not a system superimposed on man's nature, but it is the explication of that nature itself. It reveals that this nature is Spirit, or God, and that man as the creation of Spirit is harmonious and good; that all discord and sin are superimposed, or educated, beliefs of mortals; that the coming of Christ, Truth, restores one's life to its original perfection and harmony as the expression of God, divine Life. This was the import of Christ Jesus' career. Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Our system of Mind-healing rests on the apprehension of the nature and essence of all being,—on the divine Mind and Love's essential qualities."Science and Health, p. 460;
All the trouble that mankind experiences centers around the mistaken belief that man is material and mortal and that he has an animal nature manifest in such elements as hatred, fear, malice, lust, selfishness, distrust. An understanding of Christian Science brings the direct antidote to these errors and hence brings healing to all areas of human experience. It unfolds the nature of divine Love and Love's essential qualities and shows that this is the basic nature of man, the image and likeness of God. It teaches that because God is omnipotent and the only cause, evil is unreal. Jesus proved these facts. He demonstrated that evil is unreal, that sin and disease, discord and suffering, were unnatural and certainly not according to God's will.
Christian Science further teaches that matter is not objectified reality but that it is actually a state of thought. It is limited, material mentality. To remedy discordant conditions permanently, we must resolve all material discords into the false mental elements involved and then replace them with the spiritual qualities of divine Mind. For instance, it has been proven many, many times that when fear is dissolved, sickness is cured; when hatred is destroyed, discord is banished; and when limitation is corrected, supply is made evident. Mrs. Eddy says: "We learn somewhat of the qualities of the divine Mind through the human Jesus. The power of his transcendent goodness is manifest in the control it gave him over the qualities opposed to Spirit which mortals name matter."Miscellaneous Writings, p. 199;
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February 15, 1969 issue
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Thought-watchers for Peace
"Get with" God
Explorers of Mind
Vulgarity Can Be Healed
Imogene McCaig
Exposing the Hygiene Trap
"How can I see God?"
The Nature of the Real Man
William Milford Correll
True Independence
Alan A. Aylwin
With joy and gratitude to God I wish to testify to the numerous...
Yvonne Schumacher
These lines from one of Mrs. Eddy's poems are deeply significant...
Catherine L. Ames
I was led to take up the study of Christian Science as a young...
Margaret R. Sheviak
Were I to attempt to catalog all the blessings and healings I have...
Elizabeth M. Culling with contributions from Adelbert N. Culling
The biggest blessing of my life was the revelation that God is...
Ada Chinn Leaycraft
Signs of the Times
Dr. Charles R. DeCarlo,