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During the Second World War, I was suffering from a form of...
During the Second World War, I was suffering from a form of anemia that was diagnosed incurable. A relative in Canada wrote assuring me that Christian Science could help me. At this time I was not ready to take her advice, but five years later, feeling very ill and desperate, I decided to act on her suggestion. I went to a Christian Science Reading Room and borrowed Lyman P. Powell's Mary Baker Eddy: A Life Size Portrait. I was overjoyed with what I read of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and was impelled to find out more about this wonderful religion.
After attending a testimony meeting in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, I talked to a practitioner and asked her to help me. She agreed to give me treatment. Later that night I was suddenly aware of strength pouring into me and realized for the first time that healing was possible. I never had another injection, although I had been having them regularly for seven years.
Shortly after this my job took me to India, where I knew no other Christian Scientists. I continued to study alone to the best of my understanding, but fear urged me to keep a supply of pills, which previously I had taken daily, and to resort to them occasionally.
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December 27, 1969 issue
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Overcoming Pressure of Time
Let the Past Go
A Rule to Remember
The Proven Well of Supply
Amaryllis Hyde
The Absolute Nature of Christian Science
Kim's Kitten
Getting High the Right Way
Alan A. Aylwin
The Unity of Good; the Unity of Evil
William Milford Correll
For many years our family has enjoyed the blessings received...
Celia Force Lamb with contributions from James A. Lamb, Verena Herren, Jean Salzmann
During the Second World War, I was suffering from a form of...
Rachel Luxmoore Jones
Although I had been reared in Christian Science, I succumbed at...
Bernice K. Ripley
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 403 - The Christmas Message and Today's World
George Richards with contributions from Wylodene Govia
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Jack Burton, Arnold Walker