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Demonstrating Life
The solution of all the problems of human experience comes through the understanding and demonstration of the Life which is God. Another way of stating this fact is that all the trouble in human experience stems from some degree of belief in mortality or death. As we come to know the nature of God as eternal Life, the one infinite, supreme creative power, we shall see how this understanding affects every phase of our existence. It meets the need, whatever it may be and wherever it may appear. In "Science and Health with Key to Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy tells us, "When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness." Science and Health, p. 264;
The demonstration of Life as Spirit can be seen throughout the career of the master Christian, Christ Jesus. Even in his earliest trials, in the temptations in the wilderness, he was demonstrating that Life is Spirit and that it is not dependent upon matter. In the many and various healings he accomplished he was demonstrating that Life is God, that it is indestructible, and that this Life is the Life of man, God's image and likeness. He showed that this is no mere theory, but that when it is understood it restores health to the human body and happiness to human experience.
He showed that the problems of human experience—sin, disease, limitation, and death—result from the belief that Life is material and therefore limited and destructible. In all these troubles there is that common denominator, a mistaken sense of Life. Jesus' mission culminated in the proof that Life is deathless. He laid down a false sense of Life, raised the human body from the grave, and then ascended above the comprehension of material sense.
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June 10, 1967 issue
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Do We Need Money?
"Before they call, I will answer"
Meeting Evil Instantly
"I cannot come down"
The Crowing Cockerel
"Unselfish ambition, noble life-motives"
Vera Sohr Kelly
To Start Again
Helen Wood Bauman
Demonstrating Life
William Milford Correll
Max Dunaway
I am grateful to have had many proofs of God's goodness and...
Watson Greenfield
"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the...
Doris M. Redgrove
I am most grateful for the effective healing power of Christian Science...
June Patterson Goodwin
Christian Science came into my life when I was three and went...
Marie Diane Oleson
One Sunday morning I was hurrying in order not to be late for...
Florence E. Stark