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There Is No Self-will
At the height of his struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he was facing the greatest challenge of his career, Jesus prayed, "Not as I will, but as thou wilt." Matt. 26:39; Evidently this was a crucial point, for it was the central theme of his prayer three times. Finally he came to a sense of peace and was ready to go through the trial that was set before him. This experience might well indicate that self-will is an essential element of every problem and that we can profitably handle this phase of error in overcoming all suffering in mortal existence.
Christian Science teaches that God is the only creative power, the one Ego, and that His will determines the nature of creation and governs the action and condition of man, made in God's likeness. Because God is absolute good, His will is good, His law is a law of harmony and health, of life and peace. In supposition we have an opposite to God, Spirit, which parades as life and intelligence in matter. It is called material ego and manifests itself as the will of the flesh expressed in sickness, sin, and death. The destruction of this false will and the realization of the oneness and allness of God heal the ills of the flesh and demonstrate the goodness of God in daily experience.
In "Miscellaneous Writings" Mrs. Eddy says, "The will of God, or power of Spirit, is made manifest as Truth, and through righteousness,—not as or through matter,—and it strips matter of all claims, abilities or disabilities, pains or pleasures." Mis., p. 185;
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November 12, 1966 issue
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Classifying Thought
True Identification
Are You a Revolutionary?
The Right Standard of Living
Hilda M. Dolman
Transcendent Love
"Thy first acquaintance"
The Armor of Good Thoughts
The Role of Justice
Helen Wood Bauman
There Is No Self-will
William Milford Correll
All the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, including the Christian Science...
Marian M. Pickerill
The spiritual power of the Lord's Prayer was proved in my experience...
Georgiana Worthley
It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge God's power to...
Ward Farnsworth with contributions from Suzanne Mary, Edith S. Ost
In the Bible we read (John 8:32), "Ye shall know the truth...
Frieda M. Sieber
Christ Jesus said, "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you...
Gay Farr Dillman
Signs of the Times
David H. Scott