At the height of his struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he was facing the greatest challenge of his career, Jesus prayed, "Not as I will, but as thou wilt.
All the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, including the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," were mine to read or to own, the Sunday and Wednesday services were open to me, and I was welcome to study in any Christian Science Reading Room, but not being a member of a Church of Christ, Scientist, I could not serve in the church.
Questioner: It's only too easy, even in well-run businesses, for conflicting opinions to grow into bitterness and strife, union negotiations, and strikes.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
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