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It is with a heart full of thankfulness to God that I wish to acknowledge...
It is with a heart full of thankfulness to God that I wish to acknowledge what Christian Science has done for me. Since I began to study Science, my blessings have been many. I am no longer the same person, having learned how to put off the old man and to put on the new man through a purification of consciousness or a radical change of thought.
Two years after I turned to Science I became very ill with tumors. In much pain and desperation I sought the help of a Christian Science practitioner. Treatment was begun; and to my amazement the practitioner spent no time talking about tumors or my unhappiness, but did spend all the appointed time telling me of God and man and of man's relationship to God. The truths were presented in such a way—one that called for action—that I became very much interested and was eager to express all Godlike qualities, for I was told this was very important for me to do.
I soon realized that the one hundred and fifteen pounds of excess weight that I was carrying around did not express God as Soul and that the tumors were certainly not expressing God as Life. The action called for me to express dominion over a false appetite. Never once did I diet or go without food. I claimed man's perfection as a child of God and knew that man can only express the attributes of Soul. Six months later I realized that I had been healed of the tumors and the obesity, the excess weight having disappeared.
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November 12, 1966 issue
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Classifying Thought
True Identification
Are You a Revolutionary?
The Right Standard of Living
Hilda M. Dolman
Transcendent Love
"Thy first acquaintance"
The Armor of Good Thoughts
The Role of Justice
Helen Wood Bauman
There Is No Self-will
William Milford Correll
All the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, including the Christian Science...
Marian M. Pickerill
The spiritual power of the Lord's Prayer was proved in my experience...
Georgiana Worthley
It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge God's power to...
Ward Farnsworth with contributions from Suzanne Mary, Edith S. Ost
In the Bible we read (John 8:32), "Ye shall know the truth...
Frieda M. Sieber
Christ Jesus said, "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you...
Gay Farr Dillman
Signs of the Times
David H. Scott