we see today's material demands make inroads into what should be a naturally joyous season, we long to do something to reverse these conditions and to find the truth in that oft-repeated salutation, "Happy Christmas to you.
is a glory in the midnight skies,A song to still all fear,A wondrous promise if we lift our eyes,A word if we will hear;For God's pure love is proving faith's increaseAnd bringing forth the Christ, the Prince of Peace.
understanding that God is eternal and indestructible Life and that man is forever inseparable from and reflects this Life, is of great importance to the Christian Scientist.
Contributions are most gratefully accepted by The Mother Church Treasurer from members and friends for the following funds:Promotion and Extension FundRadio FundGeneral FundRelief Fund (For General Relief Purposes)The Mother Church Fund for Armed Services Activities andPostwar EmergenciesCharitable Institutions Fund(The Christian Science Pleasant View HomeChristian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, MassachusettsChristian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast)
I have long enjoyed reading the testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and in the Sentinel, and they have been on numerous occasions a source of comfort to me and my family.
Many blessings have come to me through the study and application of Christian Science in my daily life since my testimony was published in the Christian Science Sentinel of June 12, 1926.
It is time to express my gratitude to God for several years of happiness, protection, and unfoldment of true ideas that have come to me through Christian Science.
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