the prevalent unrest and confusion in the world, students of Christian Science find deep satisfaction and comfort in the glorious truths, admonitions, and promises given in their Book of books, the Bible.
material philosophy of intellectual thinkers has often flung a challenge to the intellectual world, but it has not reformed the world, renewed the body, or regenerated the sinner.
It has always been my desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science and for our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, whose devotion to God enabled her to give to the world this wonderful religion.
Christian Science was brought to me at a time of great physical and mental distress, when I was suffering from nervous prostration, accompanied by ulcers of the stomach, which caused continual nausea.
I am grateful for Christian Science and for the blessings it has unfolded to me through the better understanding I have gained of the Bible and of Science and Health by Mrs.
Having read with interest the editorial entitled "The Golden Anniversary of the Sentinel" in the issue of August 28, 1948, I am prompted to write this testimony.
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