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True Rest
[Written Especially for Young People]
CHRIST JESUS said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Many today are sorely in need of this rest, and greatly desirous of it. But the question is, How can we obey his command, "Come unto me," in order to attain rest? We know that Jesus was not referring to his physical body when he made this promise. He was referring to the Christ, which he represented. In Christian Science we learn that this Christ is Truth, and we come unto the Christ, Truth, by the simple process of letting the truth come into our thinking. When our consciousness is filled with right thinking, we are aware of a great and satisfying sense of peaceful rest. Christian Scientists are proving that this rest accompanies them in the midst of their work, and after their labors are finished for the day.
In order that we may rest as we work, we must first of all consider what our work really is. We have to use the body in executing our tasks, but whether these tasks be regarded as either menial or of great importance, it takes intelligence to perform them. We are called upon to express beauty, neatness, honesty, diligence, and so on, in our work, regardless of whether we be students or laborers, professional workers or homemakers. Our work, then, primarily is to express right ideas.
Christian Science teaches that man is the reflection of God; that all his abilities are divinely reflected. Let us consider the example of the mirror which reflects a person in action. The one in front of the mirror may bend, move, run, sit, and all his actions are reflected in the mirror. No matter how strenuous his actions, the mirror never gets tired. Now let us remember that all we do is to express, or reflect, God's qualities. Our work is to reflect intelligence, strength, beauty, purity, Love. This reflecting does not fatigue us any more than it does the reflection in the mirror.
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April 26, 1941 issue
View Issue-
Casting Out the Dragon
"Be ye separate"
Co-operation in Church Building
Called for Service
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock"
"Receive thy sight"
True Rest
In a recent issue of the Springfield Morning Union...
Herbert W. Beck, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, in the
In a recent issue there was an article purporting to...
Capt. Theodore John Deans, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland, in the
A clergyman in a recent address makes the mistake of...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland, in the
Let Me So Live
Special Notice
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
George Shaw Cook
The Divine Antidote
Evelyn F. Heywood
with contributions from The Christian Science Board Of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Leo J. Scholet , Herman Kragt , Albert Degotardi
I have been helped so greatly by testimonies given in...
Marry Mackay Collie
A few years ago I was enjoying a large degree of material...
Clayton B. Thomas
Christian Science has protected, healed, and comforted...
Josephine B. Modrall
A few weeks after first hearing of Christian Science I...
Aileen C. Angell
First, from the very depths of my heart, I want to express...
Eunice B. Shaffer
It is with heartfelt gratitude to God, and sincere appreciation...
Mary E. Hoyt with contributions from Ellen Hoyt Friday
It is a privilege to tell of some of the instances of healing...
Glenn Arthur Evans
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. L. Newland, Irving Hausman, E. Hesketh, Richard K. Morton