two thousand years ago, John, in a vision recorded in the twelfth chapter of Revelation, saw that "the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.
early Christians, in the time of Paul, constituted but a very small minority of the populace, and everything they did was closely observed by their enemies.
is helpful to remember that a Christian Science church can be built only by joyful co-operation, based on the oneness of Mind through which the brotherhood of man is demonstrated.
the children of Israel were called upon by Joshua to declare whom they would serve, whether "strange gods" or the one true God, they answered emphatically, "The Lord our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey.
Herbert W. Beck, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, in the
In a recent issue of the Springfield Morning Union there appeared a statement regarding a man who, finding himself surrounded by persons who sneezed, decided that the method of Christian Science in ignoring such incidents was a good one to follow under the circumstances.
On August 22, 1940, The Christian Science Monitor published the first item of news in connection with War Relief Work being undertaken by The Mother Church since hostilities began in Europe in September, 1939.
In order that persons who are interested in becoming members of The Mother Church may have information concerning applications, it will be helpful if branch churches and societies will make reference to the following data among the notices read in their church services.
the fifth chapter of Mark's Gospel there is the record of a woman who "had suffered many things of many physicians," and "was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.
with contributions from The Christian Science Board Of Directors
The Christian Science War Relief Committee of The Mother Church has, since early October, 1940, been forwarding to The Christian Science Wartime Committee of The Mother Church in the United Kingdom, the headquarters of which are in London, a steady flow of relief goods—warm clothing, knitted garments, bedding, et cetera—which have been received from Christian Science War Relief committees all over this country.
A few years ago I was enjoying a large degree of material stability, including a lucrative business position, when unexpectedly conditions arose which required a choice between two paths, one leading to a continuation of this business connection, and attended by sacrifice and compromise relative to my daily use of Christian Science, and the other leading to resignation from this position and necessitating a new beginning in business life.
Christian Science has protected, healed, and comforted me throughout my life, and I am very grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for her perseverance in establishing the teachings of revealed Truth so that all may benefit from them.
First, from the very depths of my heart, I want to express my deep gratitude for God, infinite good, who has revealed His living presence and power to us through Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, and Mary Baker Eddy, our beloved Leader.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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