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"Be ye separate"
THE early Christians, in the time of Paul, constituted but a very small minority of the populace, and everything they did was closely observed by their enemies. Any dereliction of a follower of Christ Jesus was seized upon to discredit his teachings. Paul recognized that it was necessary for the followers of the Master to avoid as much as possible close association with those whose conduct was such as might bring criticism upon the little band of Christians. He wrote to the Corinthians, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing." It was not, of course, primarily from persons that he saw the Christians must separate themselves, but from whatever thought and action on their own part was unprofitable.
Paul's admonition is as applicable today as it was in the time of the early Christians. While Christian Scientists mingle politically, in a business way, and socially with those of other faiths, or of no faith at all, it is necessary for them to stand firmly by their highest understanding of Principle under all circumstances. But they find, frequently, that as they practice faithfully the teachings of their religion, they no longer care for certain kinds of entertainment which once may have seemed entirely harmless and even desirable. They are led quite naturally to seek the companionship of those who cherish spiritual ideas and endeavor to manifest true spirituality—those who will bless them, and whom they can bless, through the association.
In his relationship with his neighbors, whether it be in a city or in a small community, the Christian Scientist has an opportunity to stand as an example of good citizenship. Looking always to divine Principle for guidance, the true Scientist is faithful in fulfilling his duties, taking his proper part in the community life. He is courteous and loving toward those of other faiths, and ever helpful in time of need.
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April 26, 1941 issue
View Issue-
Casting Out the Dragon
"Be ye separate"
Co-operation in Church Building
Called for Service
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock"
"Receive thy sight"
True Rest
In a recent issue of the Springfield Morning Union...
Herbert W. Beck, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, in the
In a recent issue there was an article purporting to...
Capt. Theodore John Deans, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland, in the
A clergyman in a recent address makes the mistake of...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland, in the
Let Me So Live
Special Notice
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
George Shaw Cook
The Divine Antidote
Evelyn F. Heywood
with contributions from The Christian Science Board Of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Leo J. Scholet , Herman Kragt , Albert Degotardi
I have been helped so greatly by testimonies given in...
Marry Mackay Collie
A few years ago I was enjoying a large degree of material...
Clayton B. Thomas
Christian Science has protected, healed, and comforted...
Josephine B. Modrall
A few weeks after first hearing of Christian Science I...
Aileen C. Angell
First, from the very depths of my heart, I want to express...
Eunice B. Shaffer
It is with heartfelt gratitude to God, and sincere appreciation...
Mary E. Hoyt with contributions from Ellen Hoyt Friday
It is a privilege to tell of some of the instances of healing...
Glenn Arthur Evans
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. L. Newland, Irving Hausman, E. Hesketh, Richard K. Morton