brought out significantly the need of watching to prevent ills from overtaking us when he said, "If the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.
people in many lands, who are unacquainted with the healing message of Christian Science, depend entirely on material means for healing physical discord.
let us now rejoice, be glad, give praise—Peace and good will, the standard which we raise—Entrenched in Truth, clad in Love's panoply;See how the armies of the aliens flee!No weapon in our hand, our sure defenseThe consciousness of God's omnipotence;Love's bugle call will break the dream of sin,The kingdom of our God to usher in.
"Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System stations in western United States by Justice Douglas L. Edmonds,
A Christian Science period in the "Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" series was conducted from Station KSFO, San Francisco, California, on Sunday morning, October 15, 1939, at eight o'clock, by Justice Douglas L.
engaged in productive activities, especially those having to do with cultivating the soil, seem frequently to encounter obstacles of various kinds before their endeavors result in fruition.
The textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was lent to me by a friend at a time when doctors could do no more for me.
I have had the inestimable blessing of Christian Science in my life for so many years that I think it would be impossible for me adequately to gauge my indebtedness to this great religion.
moves steadfastly on his daily round,Sustained by Truth that cannot be gainsaid,And where he lingers, joy and faith abound,For by the meat of wisdom he is fed.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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