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Why "a desert place"?
That human beings like to do things, or have them done for them, rather than to know the truth about a situation, was clearly shown by the attitude of the disciples when they were confronted with a hungry multitude which had followed Jesus that they might understand something of the Christ that animated him, and enabled him to heal those in need of healing. When it became apparent to the disciples that the multitude needed to be fed, they went to Jesus and requested him to send the people away to the village, where food could be procured.
One cannot but wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus, instead of accepting their advice, told them to feed the multitude. Why was it that the disciples would send the multitude away to obtain food? Why was it that Jesus told them to feed the multitude? The false testimony of material sense was unchallenged, unrejected, and accepted as real and worthy of consideration by them. With Jesus, there was such spiritual understanding of men's ability to reflect God, when consciousness is spiritualized, that he found the feeding of this great host of people possible right where they were.
The human mind is reluctant to leave human methods and plans. It is loath to trust the spiritual facts and law. This reluctance to dismiss as false the testimony of material sense is always due to lack of spirituality, to insufficient spiritual understanding. It was this insufficiency of spiritual understanding that made the disciples accept a sense of lack. Mrs. Eddy has stated in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 405), "The basic error is mortal mind." So it was mortal mind that declared, through the disciples, "We are here in a desert place." Mortal mind is saying to many today: You are here "in a desert place." There is depression, there is unemployment, uselessness, and lack. There are creditors and debts.
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January 23, 1937 issue
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Why "a desert place"?
The Christian Science Monitor and Our Responsibility
Spiritual Peace
"Fear thou not"
Grateful Giving
Condemn Not
"Up to the age of twenty"
In reply to a correspondent writing in your issue of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, former District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the leading article in Arbeiderbladet of April 28 there...
Nils Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
In your issue of March 30 there appeared a poem entitled...
William H. Owen, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In your issue of June 24 appears an article in which the...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, former Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
He Keeps Them Alive in Famine
George Shaw Cook
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alfred H. Radke, James William Gordon, Marguerite S. Buckley, Howard T. Berg, Viola M. Garlick, Therese Vossgraff
More than thirty years ago I picked up a Christian Science...
Flora Caroline Davenport
I have had many wonderful proofs of the efficacy of...
George H. Wheeler
I should like to express gratitude for Christian Science...
Nina Walker Watkins
A few years ago I found myself in a business situation...
Ilse von Binzer
It is with a heart full of gratitude and love for our...
B. Pauline Gehring with contributions from Beulah P. Gehring
In early youth I had many physical difficulties and was...
Gertrude C. Schmidt
If Only We Could See
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Garry C. Myers, Helen Keller, James Gray, Ernest H. Cherrington