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The Christian Science Monitor and Our Responsibility
Christian Scientists are grateful that in The Christian Science Monitor they have a far-reaching messenger of the gospel of "on earth peace, good will toward men," a messenger whose purpose is, as stated by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and Founderr of the Monitor, to go across continent and ocean into the highways ans byways of the world, "to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent," and "to bless all mankind" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 353). In Article VIII, Section 14, of the Manual of The Mother Church, Mrs. Eddy designates the Christian Science periodicals "organs" of The Mother Church. For these reasons the immeasurable value of the periodicals, including the Monitor, to our Cause and to the world at large should be well established in the thought of every loyal Christian Scientist.
Reflecting upon the vastness of the Christian Science movement and upon the courage and steadfastness with which our Leader took each step of the way; reflecting upon how untiringly she labored, often in the face of the opposition of some of those she taught and blessed, to make this healing truth available to the world today, can loyal Christian Scientists accept so rich a heritage without offering a prayer of gratitude and reaffirming their consecration to the Cause of Christian Science?
Surely the genuine Christian Scientist, who loves God, good, supremely, puts aside all sense of self—self-love, self-justification, self-righteousness—and lovingly, humbly, and gratefully accepts the privilege and the responsibility which devolves upon him by reason of his church membership, of supporting all the activities of the Christian Science movement, including the Monitor—thus "seeking his own in another's good" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy, p. 518). Such a one applies to himself the injunction of the Master to Simon Peter, "Feed my sheep."
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January 23, 1937 issue
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Why "a desert place"?
The Christian Science Monitor and Our Responsibility
Spiritual Peace
"Fear thou not"
Grateful Giving
Condemn Not
"Up to the age of twenty"
In reply to a correspondent writing in your issue of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, former District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the leading article in Arbeiderbladet of April 28 there...
Nils Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
In your issue of March 30 there appeared a poem entitled...
William H. Owen, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In your issue of June 24 appears an article in which the...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, former Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
He Keeps Them Alive in Famine
George Shaw Cook
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alfred H. Radke, James William Gordon, Marguerite S. Buckley, Howard T. Berg, Viola M. Garlick, Therese Vossgraff
More than thirty years ago I picked up a Christian Science...
Flora Caroline Davenport
I have had many wonderful proofs of the efficacy of...
George H. Wheeler
I should like to express gratitude for Christian Science...
Nina Walker Watkins
A few years ago I found myself in a business situation...
Ilse von Binzer
It is with a heart full of gratitude and love for our...
B. Pauline Gehring with contributions from Beulah P. Gehring
In early youth I had many physical difficulties and was...
Gertrude C. Schmidt
If Only We Could See
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Garry C. Myers, Helen Keller, James Gray, Ernest H. Cherrington