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More than thirty years ago I picked up a Christian Science...
More than thirty years ago I picked up a Christian Science periodical, and while I was reading it acute pain from which I was suffering vanished. I was much impressed, but through the careless speaking of one who professed to be a student, I was put off from making further inquiry.
However, some years afterwards I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and read it in a desultory way. After my marriage I turned more to Science and was wonderfully helped through many difficulties, especially with the little ones, who responded as plants to rain. A child's cough, declared by the doctor to be an obstinate one, ceased at once through the kind help of a student of Christian Science. Space does not allow me to tell of all the help and comfort that Christian Science has been to me. I now begin to understand how much our dear Leader has done to help mankind to find God.
I cannot close without mentioning some of the outstanding healings I have had. Eleven years ago a doctor diagnosed a condition as an internal growth. By my continually denying it, the illusion vanished in a few months. At another time I allowed dark thoughts to gather until another phase of illusion came, which the doctor pronounced as incurable Bright's disease. After loving help from a practitioner, at the end of the month I was declared cured by the doctor, although the illusion of pain had not yet left me. However, in a short time that also was overcome. We read in Science and Health (p. 380), "Truth is always the victor;" but we must persevere to the end.
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January 23, 1937 issue
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Why "a desert place"?
The Christian Science Monitor and Our Responsibility
Spiritual Peace
"Fear thou not"
Grateful Giving
Condemn Not
"Up to the age of twenty"
In reply to a correspondent writing in your issue of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, former District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the leading article in Arbeiderbladet of April 28 there...
Nils Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
In your issue of March 30 there appeared a poem entitled...
William H. Owen, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In your issue of June 24 appears an article in which the...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, former Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
He Keeps Them Alive in Famine
George Shaw Cook
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Alfred H. Radke, James William Gordon, Marguerite S. Buckley, Howard T. Berg, Viola M. Garlick, Therese Vossgraff
More than thirty years ago I picked up a Christian Science...
Flora Caroline Davenport
I have had many wonderful proofs of the efficacy of...
George H. Wheeler
I should like to express gratitude for Christian Science...
Nina Walker Watkins
A few years ago I found myself in a business situation...
Ilse von Binzer
It is with a heart full of gratitude and love for our...
B. Pauline Gehring with contributions from Beulah P. Gehring
In early youth I had many physical difficulties and was...
Gertrude C. Schmidt
If Only We Could See
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Garry C. Myers, Helen Keller, James Gray, Ernest H. Cherrington