[Original testimonies in German]

I heard of Christian Science for the first time when I was...

I heard of Christian Science for the first time when I was passing through Berlin in 1926. As I had been ill quite a number of times, and as we had several friends who were doctors, I was in a degree conversant with medical science. I shall never forget what a deep impression was made upon me when a friend told me about her healing of gout, and about the wonderful healings of which she heard in the Wednesday evening meetings. I was so filled with what I heard that I completely forgot my surroundings, although we were walking through the bustle of a great city. Not much more than a week after this occurrence, a great misfortune befell us. My husband lost his position and his fortune. We were in a desperate situation from which there seemed no way out. I knew that if there were any help at all, it could come only from God. So I went to see my friends again, and asked them to take me to a practitioner. Then a great journey through the wilderness began for us; but with the Psalmist we have found that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

Since then we have experienced numerous blessings. Our boy was healed in a few days of measles. Some time later he had a suppurating eruption, which he had apparently contracted through contagion in school. It was often difficult to see the nothingness of this error, for the condition gradually spread over his whole body, and the child was in great pain. Nevertheless, we did not turn to a doctor. The practitioner helped us faithfully, and one day the bandage fell off of itself, and the healing was complete. Through greater faith in God we have overcome the fear of colds, from which our little boy seemed to suffer. Today I rejoice to say that he is strong and well.

One Sunday my sister came running into the kitchen just as I was about to take hold of the door handle. This was thrust into my right hand in such a way that the fold of skin between the thumb and first finger was badly torn, and there was a deep, gaping wound. Without a bandage or adhesive tape I went about my daily household duties. A week later there was nothing more to be seen of the wound.

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Testimony of Healing
When I was a child I was left after an illness with what...
March 28, 1936

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