the many Bible promises, a particularly helpful one is that given in the Sermon on the Mount regarding the pure in heart, of whom Christ Jesus said, "They shall see God.
there were not the rushing of His graceTo stem the backward thoughts that would effaceMy calm, by stinging memories that retraceRegrets, revive misdeeds, old errors base,My heart would low be laid.
Roy G. Watson, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Will you be kind enough to grant me sufficient space in your columns to correct a misstatement which appeared in the Weatherford Daily Herald on July 17.
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
It is quite contrary to Christian Science teaching and practice to say, as a contributor writes in today's Eastern Daily Press, that "it is essential to suggest to the patient that there has been no suggestion," and, "This the Christian Science healers know well.
Mrs. Clare Sydney Smith, Committee on Publication for the Straits Settlements,
In the Straits Times of January 25, under the heading "Faith Healing" reference was made to Christian Science, including the statement, "It is not necessary, however, to accept a new philosophy which denies the existence of matter to grasp the unquestionable truth that mind acts effectively on the body, etc.
E. Howard Hooper, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
In your issue of June 11 of the Christian Evangelist appears an article entitled, "Wanted: A Protestant Confesional," which I have read with much interest.
hour of the day humanity is tacitly admitting the influence of power of some kind, and the general admission is that two conflicting powers, good and evil, are simultaneously in operation.
of the difficulty in which mortals find themselves involved is due to the belief that there are minds many, existing apart from and entirely unrelated to the all-knowing, ever-present, omnipotent divine Mind, the origin of all true thoughts or ideas.
the spring of 1927 a bill, entitled the Nursing Homes Registration Act, was introduced into the British Parliament to regulate the conduct of the Nursing Homes in England and Wales.
My parents became interested in Christian Science when I was a fairly young child, so I had the advantage for several years of a Christian Science Sunday School.
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