In your last issue you include a report of the second...

Craven Herald

In your last issue you include a report of the second sermon under the heading "Christian Science 'Errors,'" and I feel sure that you will gladly allow me to deal with some of the points raised.

There can be but one true Christian teaching, that of the Master. His words have been rendered in numerous ways, but many of these interpretations are distortions of their original meaning. That there is more than one Christian denomination is due to differences of opinion as to what construction shall be placed upon the words and works of Christ Jesus. In the sermon "Christian Healing" Mrs. Eddy states (p. 1), "The difference between religions is, that one religion has a more spiritual basis and tendency than the other; and the religion nearest right is that one." The test, according to Christ Jesus, is, "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

"The attitude taken by Christian Scientists towards doctors and towards ordinary medical treatment" was defined in the sermon as "erroneous and positively mischievous." For Christian Scientists the Nazarene Prophet is the great Exemplar. What was his attitude? He never took advantage of the medical systems of his time, nor did he ever resort to medicine himself or recommend it to another. Surely Christian Scientists are not wrong in following in his footsteps! General statements that deaths have taken place because "ordinary medical treatment" had not been resorted to may satisfy the thought of those who have not delved deeply enough into all the facts. Comparing the effects of Christian Science treatment and ordinary medical treatment, the preacher was on dangerous ground, for it is generally known that the medical profession has no infallible cure, whereas there is abundant proof that Christian Science has healed many people who have been given up by doctors and specialists as incurable.

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