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As long as I can remember I was not strong but was in a...
As long as I can remember I was not strong but was in a state of nervous exhaustion; and as I grew to girlhood I did not seem to improve, for a great sense of dread was always over me. I took many tonics but was no better. One night when I was in the country a fire broke out in the store next to my room and I jumped up in great fear, as the flames seemed close to my window. I received injuries and a severe shock. I tried many remedies after this and my body was supported by a specially made belt, yet I was always in pain; and the only hope held out to me was an operation. I would not have this, and went on for some years trying herbs and massaging without relief; and I used to pray every night to be saved from an operation.
Later I was told of Christian Science by a returned soldier. I accepted it without a doubt and went to a practitioner. I was uplifted, and after eighteen months of study I thought I should like to take the belt off, although I had believed that I could not walk without it. I decided to trust God; and went out without the material support. I was a long way from my home when the fear that I could not go another step took hold of me. Then the thought came, "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." I walked on, and I have never needed the belt again.
I was on the mountain top for some time and thought I should never be ill again. Then it seemed, almost without warning, that I came down into the valley, as I had a severe breakdown and became helpless. One arm was almost paralyzed. I could not hold my head up, nor could I turn it to the right or left or look up, as the muscles in my neck were rigid. Then came what seemed the greatest battle of my life, as the practitioner advised my seeing a doctor, for the laws of the land had to be obeyed. My people were opposed to Christian Science, and I seemed near to passing on—but was quite conscious that God is my Life. The doctor came and said it was neuritis of the nerve roots with contractions of the muscles, and that I would have to go to a hospital and have the muscles in my neck cut. I was surrounded by antagonistic thought and the doctor wanted to prosecute, saying I had been neglected. Two days later a very dear friend took me away and helped me to get my thought right. I was away some months and was much stronger when I came home. At first I sat in a chair, then I began to stand, then to walk a little, and finally I took a tram to the city. I had to keep reminding myself of the Scriptural words, "Be still, and know that I am God" every time I got into a tram, as it seemed I might fall. I gradually gained confidence. Later I got a position.
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October 7, 1933 issue
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Spiritual Armor
Christ Jesus' Healing Method
Willing Obedience
An Ambassador for Truth and Love
"Turn ye, ... O house of Israel"
The Starting Point in Christian Science
Love's Dear Command
In an article dealing with the subject of immortality...
George C. Eames,
Replying to a correspondent, let me say that a lie is...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
Having been requested by a correspondent of your esteemed...
Count Sigge Cronstedt,
Healing through Christian Science
Duncan Sinclair
"Yea, yea; Nay, nay"
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from John W. Clarke, Lacey Miriam Yearwood, Charles Senour, Georgina Hamilton Paterson
Twenty years ago I took up the study of Christian Science...
John White with contributions from Margaret Grant White
A sense of deep gratitude for the unfailing help of...
Helen F. Weeghman
The blessings which I have experienced since coming...
Bertha B. Jones with contributions from John Henry Jones
As long as I can remember I was not strong but was in a...
Ivy Muriel Barton
In March, 1924, when our baby was two months old, I...
Marian Augusta Ross
It is sincere love and gratitude for Christian Science...
Selma Bauerle Klopp
It is over eighteen years since I received an awakening...
Medora Belle Pierson
Seven years ago, as a result of deep disappointments, I...
Jacques Gabellon
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stanley High, Scott Lidgett, Reynold E. Blight