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Giving up the Spectral
Mrs. Eddy writes on page 353 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "We must give up the spectral at all points." And a few lines farther on she continues, "When we learn that error is not real, we shall be ready for progress, 'forgetting those things which are behind.'" What does she mean by "the spectral"? The beliefs of material sense; evil; error. It is important to observe that in the words just quoted our Leader points out a condition antecedent to progress, a condition to be fulfilled before the spectral can be given up, namely, that we should possess the understanding that error or evil is unreal. Without this understanding it is impossible to shake off the incubus of evil, whether it may seem to be active in the present or to remain as a memory of the past.
In his epistle to the Philippians Paul writes, "Brethren, . . . this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Is not Paul here referring to his giving up of the spectral; and this, through pressing toward the ideal which had been set him by Christ Jesus? Can we doubt that part of the spectral which Paul was leaving behind was the recollection of those days when in ignorance he had persecuted the first Christians? It included that; but, indeed, the things which were behind were to him all evil, all thinking that was ungodly. The great Apostle to the Gentiles had become one of the most childlike of men. Christliness was his goal, Christliness which embraces every good and righteous quality — compassion, charity, affection, faith, hope, meekness, honesty, temperance, purity, wisdom, holiness. Paul was inspired by a great ideal, the Christ-ideal, and as he was faithful to it he forgot the evil things which were behind him.
How many to-day are troubled with the problem of an evil past! Humanly speaking they may have erred, grievously erred perhaps, towards themselves or others; and ghostlike the memory of their foolishness may persist in confronting them. What would not they do to be rid of it, to be free from its paralyzing tendency? The first thing, obviously, is to make certain that the error is no longer indulged; and the second is to be convinced that punishment for evil doing should end with the giving up of the evil practice. It is true that amends may have to be made should the error, whatever it may have been, have injured another. But it should not be doubted that the understanding of divine Love and of Love's perpetually acting law will open up the way for this.
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April 9, 1932 issue
View Issue-
"Thank you!"
Law and Liberty
Pleasure versus Popularity
Song and Salvation
An Appreciation of The Christian Science Monitor
"Hide" and "Seek"
"And after the wind"
In your issue of November 23 a clergyman takes occasion...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
Your issue of October 17th contains a synopsis of a...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the interesting account in your October 26 issue of an...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
In an article which appeared in your paper under date...
Richard O. Shimer, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
At Last I Know
Physics and Progress
Clifford P. Smith
Giving up the Spectral
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur Wallace Ainsworth
I am very grateful for Christian Science, which has been...
Nadine Everett with contributions from Lois Everett
I took up the study of Christian Science for healing;...
Estelle J. Vant
Every day I am more and more grateful for the revelation...
Flora Lion with contributions from Ralph L. Lion
I owe a great debt to Christian Science, and wish to...
HelenLaura Growe
I Know that Christian Science is the truth, and that it...
Helen P. Davis
I became interested in Christian Science in 1914 through...
Martha E. Jennings
Ever since taking up the study of Christian Science I...
Ralph De B. Flint
My first healing through Christian Science was of eyestrain
Ada F. Stevens
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Sidney Berry