" — words spoken and heard many times every day; words taught the little child; words the adult should never allow to fall into disuse! "Thank you" is often spoken perfunctorily, many times thoughtlessly, and frequently with deep and genuine feeling of appreciation.
these days the many discussions on personal liberty are at least bringing out views which illumine the fact that liberty is a law-sustained condition.
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Your issue of October 17th contains a synopsis of a sermon on Christian Science in which a clergyman analyzes the words "Christian" and "Science," in such a way as to convey to your readers a complete misinterpretation of the words as understood by Christian Scientists.
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
In the interesting account in your October 26 issue of an address on spiritual healing, the speaker is quoted as condemning those who try to avoid mixing spiritual with material means of healing by endeavoring to rely on the spiritual without any material aids.
ultimate composition of all things has been a subject for deliberate thought since the beginning of philosophy —since long before the distinct beginning of either physics or metaphysics.
Churches and societies in the United States and the Dominion of Canada wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely, July and August, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before May 23, 1932.
It is always an especial joy to me to read the testimonies of healing in the Heralds and to share in the happiness of those who travel the way Spiritward.
I took up the study of Christian Science for healing; but while receiving many proofs of its healing power, the health and strength which I desired were not manifested, although I had help from practitioners when I felt I could not continue alone.
Ever since taking up the study of Christian Science I have had only continued cause for gratitude that this new-old truth has been made available for mankind in a form simple enough for even a child to grasp.
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