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Our Mental Garden
Any one who has ever had the joy of planting a garden knows that after the soil has been prepared and the seed put in and watered, there comes a time of just waiting. It will not do to dig into the soil to see if the seeds are germinating, or to put more seed in because we do not see quick results—we just wait. When the first green begins to break through the earth, there are a few plants ahead of the rest; but by close observation they may be found to be mere weeds.
The plants of the seed we have sown seem to grow slowly; but if we could look through the earth we would see that they are getting firmly established and sending out a strong network of roots. Later on, when the storms blow, they are not easily uprooted; and when there comes a time of drought, they do not readily perish. The reward, in the end, is beauteous blossoms and wholesome fruitage.
When we plant the seed of Truth, which Jesus said "is the word of God," there is no need of getting discouraged if we do not see immediate results. There comes a time of just waiting, watching, and praying. Right thinking is true prayer. Learning to think aright is learning to acknowledge only good. God is good ; and in His infinite love He has created all ; and, behold, it is "very good." Man is the creation of God, the image and likeness of God, good, the all-harmonious. Man, therefore, cannot reflect anything that is unlike God. These thoughts are the precious seeds we plant. But we must water our thought-garden with the streams of Love, and let the sunlight of faithful obedience shine upon it. Then just wait in prayer.
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December 4, 1926 issue
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God, the Infinite Person
Redemption of Body
The Silent Place
Our Mental Garden
Handling the Serpent
Grateful Receptivity
Permit me to refer briefly to the implication, made by a...
Edgar G. Gyger, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In your recent issue mention is made of a pastor's announcement...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
What your correspondent, "A Christian," describes in...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Our Prayer
The Oil of Gladness
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Power to Save
Duncan Sinclair
"Desire is prayer"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederic Johnston, Janet Smith Symms, John W. Branch
It is with unbounded gratitude that I am sending my...
Mary Gunderson
On several occasions I have had direct proofs of the good...
Lewis O. Dwight
It is a great comfort to know that God does indeed...
Elizabeth R. Stern
With deepest gratitude and in honor to God, and as a...
Anna Hummel-Wyss
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for...
Mamie Wilder Hanna
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Thurlow Fraser, Walter W. Van Kirk, M. D. Kennedy