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Signs of the Times
[Sir Harry Lauder in The Register, Springfield, Ill.]
"What the world needs is not battleships, but friendships," said Harry Lauder, famous Scotch comedian.
He presented the lessons of peace, friendship, tolerance, brotherly love with beautiful oratory, giving added color to his address by singing a song to fill the hearts of all his hearers with full appreciation of the value of sweetening our lives and the lives of those about us with music—especially with song. Just a handclasp; that's all. Just a "clap on the back" for our fellow men; that's all. Avoidance of slavery to business deals, but daily consideration for ideals—that was the lesson he taught.
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March 18, 1922 issue
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Spiritual Understanding versus Human Will
No Reality in Procrastination
Steps Toward Good
The Lesson of Naaman the Syrian
The Light of Love
Christian Scientists have no wish to detract from or discredit...
Clifford P. Smith
In your issue of recent date there appears an account of...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The correspondent says that he does not "feel much...
Duncan Sinclair
I shall be grateful for the privilege of commenting upon...
Charles E. Heitman
With interest I read in your paper the reprint about...
Marie Hartman
Letters from the Field
with contributions from William D. Kilpatrick, Bessie Baumgartner, L. P. Smith
Approaching True Brotherhood
Albert F. Gilmore
One Method of Christian Science
Ella W. Hoag
Animal Magnetism Unreal
Duncan Sinclair
with contributions from Bliss Knapp, Willis F. Gross
The Lectures
with contributions from John F. Rector, C. P. Macdonald
From the time I was a small boy until I was ten years...
Thomas Warren Luce
This past summer, while visiting my sister in New Mexico,...
Myrtle F. Stringfield
Christian Science was first introduced to me by my sisters
Thomas Macfarlane
I am glad to testify to the unfailing benefits and spiritual...
Enid J. Collins
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,...
Ivey G. Diehl with contributions from Edith M. Diehl
It has been nine years since I first began the study of...
Bernice E. Coffey with contributions from G. A. Coffey, Rena L. Crocker, E. S. Crocker
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harry Lauder, Edward S. Martin, Miles H. Krumbine, C. W. Eliot, David Graham, John Herman Randall