It was some ten or eleven years ago that I first became...

It was some ten or eleven years ago that I first became interested in Christian Science, and although I derived great benefit from it then, I did not continue with the study for more than about two years. About two years ago, however, I turned to Christian Science, and it has been a continual help to me ever since. This clearly shows me that God, good, is no respecter of persons, and that He is ever present and ready to help us if we will only turn to Him,—to Mind, Principle. Christian Science is doing much for me. It has given me a different outlook on life. I have received many blessings since again taking up the study; amongst other things I have been cured of colds and the smoking habit. I feel I cannot close this testimony without expressing my deep thankfulness to God, and my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for giving us this beautiful Science; also to the practitioner who has so lovingly helped me, and for all the Christian Science literature.—Captain D. Tunks, London, England.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude to God for all...
February 4, 1922

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