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I first became interested in Christian Science at a time...
I first became interested in Christian Science at a time when I was very much discouraged over the results of an operation, upon the success of which I had based so much hope for health. I had always been a very frail child, and as the years passed I was able to attend to my duties only by spending almost all of the time outside of office hours in bed. I was unable to walk any distance, and never able to participate in any of the pastimes which my friends enjoyed. I had heard of Christian Science, and was very much prejudiced against what I considered it to be, but the time came when I lost all faith in material medicine and turned to Christian Science, being convinced through the healing of a friend that there must be something more to it than I knew. Any doubts I may have had as to its healing power were banished through what, to me, was a very remarkable healing which took place shortly after I became interested. I fell heavily, striking my side on the sharp corner of a desk, and because of the intense pain and the inability to raise my arm the belief was expressed that I had either cracked or broken a rib. It was some time before I was able to call a practitioner, and while the severe pain then ceased, almost instantaneously, the soreness remained. Three days later, as I was planning to go out of town, I again asked for help, and the following morning awakened with absolutely no trace of the injury and able to use my arm freely in every way; nor did I have any return of the trouble.
At another time when I was about to step from a rowboat it gave a sudden lurch which threw me off my balance. My foot was caught in a cleat in the bottom of the boat and I fell in a right-about-face position to that in which I had been standing, sustaining a very bad strain and severe bruises. At this time I was among people who were very antagonistic to Christian Science, and dire results were predicted when I would not consult a doctor. But, with the help of a practitioner, in less than a week I was entirely free from the effects of the injury, and was absent from my work but half a day during that time.
I have had numerous other healings in Christian Science, including that of influenza, a very troublesome cough which recurred for several weeks each summer, ptomaine poisoning, and many others. For all of these I am very grateful. I am more grateful for the protective power of Christian Science, for a growing knowledge of God as Life, Truth, and Love, the divine Mind which directs the minutest detail of our daily living, and of man as His image and likeness. I am exceedingly grateful for the Christian Science periodicals, which Mrs. Eddy established as the missionaries of the movement, and which do, indeed, bless all mankind.—(Miss) Zena S. Maxwell, Boston, Massachusetts.
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February 4, 1922 issue
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"Thou art of purer eyes"
"Be still, and know"
Turning to the Gentiles
Frederick Dixon
Lessons from History
Gustavus S. Paine
I have been healed by Christian Science of physical,...
John T. Lattin with contributions from Lydia Lattin
I first became interested in Christian Science at a time...
Zena S. Maxwell
From early childhood I was considered by the physicians...
June E. Howell
It is a joy to think that my few words of testimony to...
Evelyn Bloon with contributions from Vera Bloom
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude to God for all...
Laura Neely Sorber
During the past three years it has been proved to me...
Alethea Kenley with contributions from Howard A. Kenley
I am thankful to God that I was led to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
J. E. Sprigg
It was while suffering from kidney stone that my attention...
Frank Kennerley with contributions from Alvina Kennerley
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Otto A. Wall, Glenn Frank, Charles F. Cushing, Henry W. Bunn