the very early pages of the Bible is related an incident of human experience which well illustrates a mortal trait and taint as old as time and which an understanding and application of the Christ-mind alone can meet and overcome.
no statement of Christian Science is more farreaching or of greater import than that of Mary Baker Eddy's, on <a class="tome-reference"
bird, so care-free and joyous,Up in the topmost bough—full-throated, glad,God's humble messenger, type of true freedomThat lifts the weary, the sick, and the sad,
study of history is one helpful remedy for mortal conceit, since in all ages mortal belief in its various phases has supposed itself able to annul the unfolding effectiveness of Truth, and yet in all ages Truth manifest has been indefeasible, demonstrating real good to be the accomplished fact in spite of merely mortal endeavors.
I first became interested in Christian Science at a time when I was very much discouraged over the results of an operation, upon the success of which I had based so much hope for health.
It is a joy to think that my few words of testimony to the truth as taught in Christian Science may be the light to shine in some one's mental darkness.
It was some ten or eleven years ago that I first became interested in Christian Science, and although I derived great benefit from it then, I did not continue with the study for more than about two years.
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude to God for all the blessings received through Christian Science that I offer my testimony, hoping it may be as helpful to some one else as the testimonies of others have been to me.
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