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Perhaps without exception every Christian Scientist at some period is faced with the problem of feeling that he is alone. Often this condition seems to come about through the individual's effort to put into practice his understanding of Christian Science. Although the student may seem to be forsaken by his friends and misunderstood, yet the voice of Truth calls so clearly that he never hesitates to obey the divine commands and press forward, sure that God is governing his life. This reliance on Principle often means swimming against the stream of personal opinion, but it brings the joy of proving that "one with God is a majority." All the efforts of the supposititious unity of evil can never victimize the true student of Christian Science into believing that man is separated from God, and is alone. On the contrary, to be alone with God is to be separated from human sense, which is always crying "Hosanna" to-day and "Crucify him" to-morrow. The applause or condemnation of the crowd never counts for anything. Individual demonstration is all that matters. Mrs. Eddy knew this when she wrote in her 1901 Message to The Mother Church (p. 20), "The Christian Scientist is alone with his own being and with the reality of things." Faithfully striving to reflect Principle in daily experience is gaining the true understanding of the reality of things. This righteous activity proves man's oneness with the Father by bringing forth the fruits of holiness, casting out error, and healing sickness. In our Master's hour of trial the temptation to believe that he was alone came to him, but he quickly denied its claim to reality. "Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me."
Jesus knew that man's true being is always at one with the Father, therefore the testimony of the material senses did not concern him. He forsook popularity, purple and fine linen, to be alone with God. When after he had fed the five thousand the people would have made him a king, "he departed again into a mountain himself alone." He was fully alive to the efforts of error to deify him, but his loyalty to Principle was unswerving, for he knew he could not serve God and mammon.
There is therefore never any need for discouragement to those who seem to be working alone in the Father's vineyard. Our only need is to understand God aright and man's relation to Him. This understanding is manifested in a fuller realization of the omnipresence of divine Love, which brings forth a higher sense of man's unity with his Maker. In order to give humanity the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy worked alone with God unceasingly, and Christian Science rightly practiced to-day testifies to her devotion, unselfishness, and consecrated efforts. This textbook teaches each one of us to work out our own salvation by following Principle instead of persons. On page 22 she says: "'Work out your own salvation,' is the demand of Life and Love, for to this end God worketh with you. 'Occupy till I come!' Wait for your reward, and 'be not weary in well doing.' If your endeavors are beset by fearful odds, and you receive no present reward, go not back to error, nor become a sluggard in the race. When the smoke of battle clears away, you will discern the good you have done, and receive according to your deserving." The metaphysician, conscious of the truth of this statement, goes on his way rejoicing, refusing the testimony of the material senses. He is never lonely, for the Father's voice is always assuring him, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine."
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February 4, 1922 issue
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"Thou art of purer eyes"
"Be still, and know"
Turning to the Gentiles
Frederick Dixon
Lessons from History
Gustavus S. Paine
I have been healed by Christian Science of physical,...
John T. Lattin with contributions from Lydia Lattin
I first became interested in Christian Science at a time...
Zena S. Maxwell
From early childhood I was considered by the physicians...
June E. Howell
It is a joy to think that my few words of testimony to...
Evelyn Bloon with contributions from Vera Bloom
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude to God for all...
Laura Neely Sorber
During the past three years it has been proved to me...
Alethea Kenley with contributions from Howard A. Kenley
I am thankful to God that I was led to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
J. E. Sprigg
It was while suffering from kidney stone that my attention...
Frank Kennerley with contributions from Alvina Kennerley
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Otto A. Wall, Glenn Frank, Charles F. Cushing, Henry W. Bunn