A Number
of years ago, in a conversation with a minister of one of the churches in a large city, the subject of Christian Science and its activities was considered, since the one who approached the minister was asking for a letter of fellowship to the Christian Science church from the church to which the minister was then giving his efforts in behalf of mankind.
prophet Isaiah said, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined;" and in the gospel of John we have the words of Jesus, "I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
Associated Press dispatches bring the news of the attempt by the Protestant Episcopal Convention at its recent convention in Atlantic City to interest its members in the practical work of "healing the sick.
W. Clyde Price, Committee on Publication for the State of Utah,
It may be inferred from reading the editorial which appeared in a recent issue of your paper that psychotherapy, psychopathology, psychoanalogy, sociology, and the many other systems claiming to heal through a theory of the power of "mind over matter," are offshoots of Christian Science.
Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for the County of Lanarkshire, Scotland,
One can readily agree that any healing, so called, which is based on suggestion is far removed from the miracles of the New Testament; but such is not the healing of Christian Science.
a multitude of pleasant thoughts arise when one contemplates the delight either of entertaining or of becoming a guest! What joyful anticipations are presented to one when he considers the happy companionship, the awakened friendship, the closer relationship which is certain to result from the association thus afforded when it is brought about through loving-kindness! If one is preparing for the reception of one whom he loves, he spares no effort to have all in order, and every appointment of the guest room must be as perfect as he knows how to make it.
For years I have desired to write my testimony for our periodicals; but even to recount the joyful experiences of restoration to health which the knowledge of Christian Science has brought into my life, I have felt reluctant to open the dark pages of the past, with their false pictures, from which Truth has liberated me.
I have been a student of Christian Science for about eleven years, and in that time have had so many blessings that they are as the sands of the sea; that is, they cannot be numbered.
I had heard of Christian Science very often through my husband's brother, but felt very antagonistic toward its teachings, although I had no just cause.
For two years I was a great sufferer; and after being treated by twelve physicians, and having from thirty to thirty-five X-rays taken, I was ordered to Hot Springs, Virginia, for treatment, as a last resort before an operation was to take place.
I desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and to say how it has supported me physically and supplied me with beautiful and sustaining thoughts when my need seemed very great.
The contract for the publication and sale of the Works of Mary Baker Eddy, entered into between the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy and The Christian Science Publishing Society in October, 1917, was rescinded by mutual agreement on June 15, 1922.
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