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"My son, give me thine heart"
To every student of Christian Science there comes a time of development when he has to give up his dependence on human relationship and friendship, and to turn his thoughts to the realization of what Mrs. Eddy says on page 151 of "Miscellaneous Writings": "God is our Father and our Mother, our Minister and the great Physician. He is man's only real relative on earth and in heaven." Perchance he has come mentally to a place where his human sense of friendship has betrayed him. The path seems dark to him and he sees no way of escape. If he is listening for the voice of Truth he may dimly hear the divine command: "My son, give me thine heart." Error, however, whispers that he is not ready to give up his human joys; one friend has disappointed him but perhaps another would prove more faithful; later on he may be ready, but not yet. He turns aside and his path grows darker, clouds lower, and the night is cold; but ever and more insistently that inward voice is speaking, sometimes admonishing, often tenderly entreating, "My son, give me thine heart," and again, "Thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." As Truth's voice grows clearer and more imperative, the student turns at last with humble trustfulness to God, and puts his life into His keeping, lays his human sense of love aside, and proves in humility and gratitude the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, page 494), and lo, and behold! his difficulties have vanished, his pathway is plain before him,—new work, new interests, and joys surround him; in knowing God, divine Love, as his only Friend, he recognizes the infinity of Love and of Love's reflection, and realizes that all is eternally his.
The student does not gain heaven through one such experience, but each surrender of human will and dependence on material belief brings him a stage farther on his journey from material sense to spiritual reality. Thenceforward, his human sense of friendship being purified, he knows that, in proportion to the purity of his own vision, he will himself reflect and will look for and find the true sense of friendship reflected everywhere.
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July 24, 1920 issue
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Outshining Error
"Conscious identity"
"My son, give me thine heart"
The Certain Sound of Truth
Giving Testimony
The clergyman who attacked Christian Science in a...
Aaron E. Brandt
To trust God alone for healing, except as a last resort, is...
Louis A. Gregory
Christian Science is derided and maligned by two classes...
James M. Stevens
The Leaves of the Tree
Frederick Dixon
The Pilgrims
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles Beilstein, Henry J. Armstrong, R. B. Hendry, Albert McDonald, Joseph C. DeWitt, Maud I. Murray, Wade H. Guthrie, Charles F. Adams, Jessie G. Davies, Jennie B. Bartlow, H. B. Roe, Carrie Young, Antoinette W. Stephens, Leslie F. McCullough
I wish to give my testimony to the healing power of...
Ida Gordon with contributions from Edwin Gordon
So much help has been received from reading the testimonies...
Lizzie G. Walrath
Some four years ago I reached a condition of almost complete...
Richard J. Wheeler
Christian Science means so much to me and I have...
Murrel Ruhland
It has been nine years since my testimony appeared in...
William Wyatt
It is with a feeling of gratitude that I give my testimony...
Katherine Kiefer
Deep gratitude for Christian Science impels me to send...
Margarete Freyer
It was not a physical need that brought me into Christian Science,...
Maurits M. Godschalk
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I take...
Myrtle L. Noble
I wish to express my gratitude to God for His healing...
Ella Forslend
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Oscar L. Joseph, Albert Thomas Steele